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Category Archives for "communication"

how to get your needs met and heard

The real reason you don’t get heard

It happens again and again. You express a need. It’s met with denial, outrage or dismissal.  You’re left bewildered. On the verge of collapse or maybe rage. You’re told you come across as controlling or domineering. It’s hard to calibrate how you ask for things, when you aren’t used to doing it. Or have low expectations of getting those needs […]

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Difficulty saying how you feel - counselling Totnes, Paignton and Newton Abbott Matt Fox

7 reasons you avoid confrontation

There they go again. Criticising this, undermining that, taking knocks out of who you are and what you try and do every day to support them. It’s so hard to take when you can see so clearly what you bring to your relationships and friendships but others don’t. It can feel like give give give, […]

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